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Samsole SAP FI Posting

1 Review(s)

Excel-Centric: A simplified and fast way to post financial documents in SAP all through Microsoft Excel.

No programming or ABAP required. Ready to start using as soon as you install. Controllers and Accountants love it!

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1 Desktop/Device license per user

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SAP JV Entry brings 8 key advantages to your organization:

1.Excel-Centric: A simplified and fast way to post financial documents in SAP all through Microsoft Excel. Excel is easy to learn, and your users probably already know how to use excel very well.

2.Increase Productivity: The problem with SAP transactions for posting financial documents is not that they are not simple, they are just not simple enough. With SAP JV Entry, users do not have to learn SAP-centric navigations and idiosyncrasies. They can quickly post recurring entries or standard JVs in seconds.

3.Real-time Validation: SAP JV Entry allows both on-demand validations and automatic validations. User cannot post a document unless it is valid in SAP. All customer configured validations + SAP standard validations are triggered when user tries to post document or when user clicks the validate button.

4.No Programming Required: SAP JV Entry is so easy that it would make you cry with joy! All the user has to do is enter data in excel and click post. Because no programming is required, your IT resources can be utilized in other support areas and you save!

5.No SAPGUI required: After SAP JV Entry is installed on the user's desktop, it is ready to use. No other dependencies or SAP components are required besides the accompanying components.

6.Very Low Cost: We don't need to convince you. You do the math! Compare what it would cost you to deploy SAPGUI to all your light users who only need to post JVs, the support, the development cost to build a similar tool in-house, or the cost of competing solutions. When you are done with the arithmetic, we are absolutely sure you will give us a call or pat yourself in the back for choosing Samsole SAP JVEntry.

7.Low support needs: with almost zero learning curve and completely encapsulated/transparent solution, your total cost of ownership is guaranteed at a high time low. Once your users start using Samsole SAP JVEntry, you are probably going to forget it even exists in your landscape.

8.Customized Templates: Feel like standardizing JVEntry screens to your organization? No problem! Samsole SAP JVEntry comes with starter screens that you can use. Because the front end is Excel, you can customize the screens to fit your logo or organization. Don't let the fact that Samsole SAP JV Entry is ALL Microsoft Excel based fool you. It has ALL the power of Excel + SAP document posting capability. No compromise on your part. Enter or link your data in your spreadsheet, click post. It is that simple!

Too good to be true? Take a closer look at the features

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The following is required to successfully install and run SESAPEDM

◾Standard PC or Server: Intel Pentium processor (recommended)
32 MB RAM minimum
10 MB free disk space (minimum) or more for setup components. Disk space required for data buffering/storage depends on your data volume.
◾Operating System: SESAPDMS will operate on Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4+, Windows 2000/XP, Windows 7, 8.1 and 10
◾Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher is recommended. Internet Explorer 5.5+ is highly recommended. The required version of Internet Explorer (currently) comes pre-installed on Windows
◾Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC): The setup application for the SESAPDMS will install or upgrade your existing version of Data Access Components to version 2.6 or above. The tool will not function without MDAC 2.6 or greater. This data access component is required for data access to most of the destination databases supported by SESAPDMS.

MDAC comes preinstalled on Microsoft Windows. However, the least compatible version of MDAC is included with Samsole SAP Data Miner in case your system does not already have one.

◾User Account: User must have a valid license and logon to SAP. Full detail on authorization setup. The basis administrators would typically be the ones to setup authorization.

Samsole SAP FI Posting

Do I have to register Samsole SAP Data Miner and Samsole SAP FI Posting separately?

No. You can do either or both at the same time.

The Samsole SAP Data Miner setup program comes bundled with multiple products: Samsole SAP Data Miner and Samsole SAP FI Posting, SDK and development tools, etc. Users can chose to install any of the products or all of them. The default registration process will provide the user with the option to register Samsole SAP Data Miner if they selected to install all products. If either one of the product was selected, the registration wizard for that product will be selected. Each products can be registered individually at user's convenience. 

How do I select which product to install?

We encourage you to install all because they are great productivity and cost saving business and IT tools you don't want to do without. However, you can chose to install any or none of the applications. On the Setup Type screen of the Setup Wizard, select Custom button. Activate or deactivate features by selecting the drop-down button besides each feature.
If you are installing the suite, all packaged products are selected for you by default and installed as a bundle.

How does security work with Samsole SAP Data Miner and tool access?

Security in SAP from external accesses is based on a simply model: If the user does not have access to the transaction/RFC within SAP, then the user cannot get to these transactions externally.

Samsole SAP Data Miner uses both standard SAP RFCs and BAPIs. In fact, the tools main goal is to be as non intrusive as possible to your SAP installation and operations, so everything is standard SAP and no custom BAPIs or RFCs are used which would allow you or a user to circumvent the customer's configured security within SAP.

Also, just because you can get to some tables via SE16/SE16N does not mean you can do the same with Samsole SAP Data Miner from a security perspective, unless of course you have the table level access granted to you. And this is because the authorization check for data access is enforced on the remotely enabled RFC that SAP provides. And this security goes several levels deep: SAP logon=>RFC access/execute=>Table level access. As you can see, user would be dead in the waters if they don't have all required access within SAP.

So the only way we can think of that would make an external SAP tool unsecured is to have the vendor install custom RFCs or BAPI in your SAP system and call that externally from SAP (that is assuming they do not provide authorization checks within the custom programs).

Samsole SAP Data Miner and suite of tools do not use any custom SAP programs. PERIOD! So it is as secure as your SAP system. In addition to the standard security provided by SAP, Samsole SAP data miner also has built-in security that allows extract projects created to be assigned to Windows user roles or names. You can assign "Read", "Change"," Execute" & "Administer" privileges.

So in summary:

  1. Samsole SAP Data Miner totally enforces and obeys your SAP security settings and restrictions. In fact, it cannot circumvent your security settings.
  2. Please see the documentation on Samsole SAP Data Miner for authorization objects that you are going to need in order to even be able to execute Samsole SAP Data Miner. If you don't already have the required access, you would need to request Basis team to provide you with access, otherwise Samsole SAP Data Miner is nothing but a pretty GUI (yes, the software is a looker, but what would be the point if you couldn't get to your SAP data ?)
